About Me



Hey Ya’ll!! I’m Crystal. I am the face behind Southern Blessed Farm Life! Before I dive into anything too deep, I want to preface by saying that I do not have a degree of any kind in health, nutrition, or fitness. While I am excited to share my knowledge in all of these aspects, I want you all to know that I am in no way a professional! Now, with that out of the way, here is a little bit about me!

I was born and raised right here in the good ole bluegrass state Kentucky. Around here, every celebration is surrounded by food and lots of it! I was raised by southern women who can throw down in the kitchen but now days, I try to make a lot of things lower in carbs but not always 😉

You’re now probably wondering how any of that relates to health/fitness/nutrition. The truth is, I didn’t discover my passion for nutrition until 2014 when my son was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Fast forward to today,  I could write a book on it now. I learned a lot and most of it overnight in the hospital when my son was diagnosed.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. It ain’t the same diabetes your granny had. Type 2 can be reversed with a lifestyle change. Type 1 has nothing to do with lifestyle or diet and there is no cure YET*

Basically, my son’s pancreas attacked itself and no longer produces insulin so we have to administer insulin via injections several times a day when he consumes carbs. We as a family try our best to watch carbs and choose healthier options when we can. On this blog, I will show you some yummy low carb recipes as well as some other recipes that aren’t low carb but are some of our family favorites.