Be the Light

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Align Your Actions with your words and how you live you life. It is important that we as Christians realize how we are impacting others. This is why we need to align our actions with who God calls us to be. Even if you read the Bible and post scriptures all day long, that doesn’t make you anymore a Christian than if a person walks into a garage makes them a mechanic.

You need to FULLY live the Word of God. It isn’t about what others think of you, it’s about how YOUR words and actions can impact others in a positive or negative way. Think about how you are acting, speaking, and living. Would Jesus be proud?

When you “claim” you are a Christian, then you better walk the talk cause you are representing the big guy. If you are talking negatively and gossiping, you better open your Bible and your devotional and read it again sis cause being deceitful and spreading negativity ain’t in it, I can promise you that.

The best sermon we as Christians could ever would preach is by how we live our life, not by what comes off our lips. Our jobs as Christians is to be kind and love others. This means we forgive, we aren’t hateful, we don’t talk bad about others, we don’t judge others, and our actions reflect LOVE. We are kind to everyone and encourage others.

I pray that every person that comes across my page feels His goodness and love and know’s that I genuinely care. Even if we have never spoke, know that I’m praying for you and I hope that the devotionals I post everyday Bless you and I pray that my page is a positive outlet that you can always come to.