Count Your Blessings

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Man oh Man!!! What a year 2020 has been ya’ll. I am a very bubbly person by nature but this year has even taken a toll on me. Lately, I have found myself having to put forth much more effort than I did in the past to keep my positive mindset. Maybe that’s you too, so let’s help each other.

Wherever you find yourself today, I hope that you can take a second to realize how truly Blessed we all actually are despite our stressful moments. Today, I caught myself starting to have a meltdown. Correction, I had a meltdown. I had a meltdown for like the 3rd time this week. I work from home and have for years and I am thankful for that however now, with the pandemic. my husband and son are also home.  This time is STRESSFUL.

I wanted to complain, and boy did I, to a good friend, Bless her heart. I poured it all out. Then, I made myself sit down and write a list of what I am thankful for. As cliche as it sounds, it worked. Let me tell you, I was not happy doing it, but I did it. Stink face and all. As I wrote my list of things I was thankful for, I felt kinda silly about all the things I had convinced myself were a big deal. Yes, it may be a big deal right now, but in the grand scheme of things. It’s not. Write your list friends. Sometimes, it helps to see a visual of all the things we can still be thankful for.



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