Low Carb Chocolate Cherry No Bake Cheesecake

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I am not a baker. Anyone that knows me well knows that.

If I sign up to bring a dessert to a function, you can bet your money it’s going to be 3 things.

  1. A no bake dessert of some kind
  2. Include cream cheese
  3. Gonna be delicious


Here is my latest creation


1 can of Walmart brand no sugar added cherries
4 oz Kerrygold butter
8 oz cream cheese
8 oz sour cream
24 oz heavy whipping cream
sweetener to taste (I use about 4 tablespoons)
1.4 oz box of Jello Sugar Free Chocolate pudding
Hershey Chocolate Sugar Free Syrup optional to add with pudding layer


Crush cookies and combine with melted butter

Place cookie mixture in a pie dish and spread out to cover dish

Use stand or hand mixer to combine pudding and 2 cups of heavy whipping cream. Optional to add Hershey Chocolate Sugar Free Syrup

Add over cookie layer in your pie dish

Use stand or hand mixer to combine heavy whipping cream, cream cheese, sour cream and sweetener

Carefully add cream cheese mixture over your chocolate pudding layer on your pie crust

Top your cheesecake with the canned cherries and let chill in the fridge for a few hours before serving